I came across an artefact some months back – a book. I haven’t seen one of these, outside a museum, for more than thirty years. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it at a recovery sale. It was very old – mid-twentieth century – with a hard cover. It took me back to my school days when we still learned to read. I must say I struggled somewhat to make sense of it. I have had no need to read for many years. However, persevering has paid off and I started to enjoy the experience.
Archive for May, 2011
From the Kitchen
From the Kitchen
From the Kitchen #104
Book Reviews
Stéphane Hessel
(Bilingual edition) translated by Damion Searls
Scribe 2011
ISBN: 9781921844225
64 pp
Be Indignant! This is the call to action from a veteran of the World War II French Resistance. This is not a voice coming to us from the past but the current voice of a now still-feisty 93-year-old writing less than a year ago.
From the Kitchen
From the Kitchen #103
I see him shuffling past the café window from time to time. Long, grey hair, a flannel shirt with buttons missing (summer or winter), corduroy trousers with the cuffs partly unravelled and hanging unevenly over his clean, black boots. I notice they are boots, not shoes, and that they are always clean and shining.
Book Reviews
Essays on Muslims and Multiculturalism
Essays on Muslims and Multiculturalism
Edited by Raimond Gaita
Text 2011
ISBN: 9781921656606
192 pp
In some respects this is a timely book and at the same time it is a shame it was not available ten years ago, as it may have helped to inform the debate at a time that John Howard was trying to change the values we live by and the understanding we have of those values.