Thinking Allowed is a forum for Daan Spijer’s blog ‘From the Kitchen’ along with comments on these. Expect more musings.
“I write because I must; I refuse to go musty.”
There is also an opportunity for others to post original material and for readers to comment.
For book reviews by Daan, Click on the Category ‘Book Reviews‘.
Click on the Category ‘From the World‘ for other people’s original writing.
Daan’s writing and photos may also be seen on www.seventh-house-communications.com .
Daan’s mediation practice is explained at www.DSMediation.com.au
© 2009-17 Daan Spijer
It appears you started this blog about the same time I started mine. I enjoyed exploring your site and reading your posts. I’m wondering how you do the “from the world” posts. Do you select from blogs you like or do you let people submit them? I’m also curious how your readership is developing. Mine seems to be slow. If you have time to comment, I would appreciate it. Please feel free to check out my site and let me know what you think.
Good luck with your blog!
Thank you for the comments. The ‘From the World’ posts are unsolicited pieces from readers of the main blog. It’s an opportunity for others to get their work out there. I started my readership going by emailing out on my address book. From there it’s grown slowly through word of mouth.
Hello Dann,
I read your review on Eve Hillary’s “Sarah’s Last Wish” Eve spoke at a book launch at NSW Parliament house when i launched my book about my husband’s shocking abuse and death at the hands of RNSH.My husband had been a Quadriplegic for 25 years and was brutalised as they killed him. The book is called “Without Due Care” Eve is going to offer it paired with Sarahs Last wish to buy as a special offer – I am in the process of having a website constructed to spread the word. A favour to ask – your review of the book is one of the best I have read. I am wondering if (after your checking my bona vide with Eve) you would accept a copy of my book – its not as long as Eve’s and is easily read – tho harrowing. If after reading you feel you might like to write a review I would be vary grateful -but you are under no obligation to do so or to even finish the book.
My email is tmackay@tsn.cc – my name Therese Mackay.
best wishes Therese