April 21, 2010

I’m sitting here, exhausted, after completing four days of intensive work – mostly non-physical, but long hours of concentration and attention to detail and including a night away from home. The word ‘exhaustion’ is the one that rolled off the pen, but is it accurate? (more…)
April 14, 2010

I dislike tests. They are meant to judge a person’s fitness for an aspect of life, or to ascertain how alive a person is. It is very difficult (if not impossible) to design a test, the results of which are useful. The designer of the test makes assumptions, some based on known facts about the person being tested, such as their knowledge, upbringing, background and state of mind. (more…)
April 7, 2010

Speaking to a business owner just before Easter, I commented on looking forward to a blessed few days off. He said that, not being a practising Christian, he would be working most of those four days. He doesn’t believe it is right to take something that is not rightfully his. (more…)
March 31, 2010

It’s easy to feel at a loose end, the sense of an absence of anything to do. It’s a strange notion and conjures up even stranger images. What is it a loose end of? Am I following a piece of string and then come to the end of it, dangling loosely in my hand? What does this string represent? Security? Guidance? Imperatives? (more…)
March 24, 2010

Recently, sitting here at my kitchen table, dog prostrate at my feet, I have spent quiet days immersing myself in Etchings Indigenous: Black and Sexy, a project from Ilura Press. I’ve read it through several times and contemplated the stories, poems, interviews, reviews, photography and art, trying to get my head and heart around it all in order to write a review. It has not been easy. (more…)
March 17, 2010
There are still people out there who do real science: they observe something, wonder why it happens, form an hypothesis, test the hypothesis, revise the hypothesis and retest it, etc. (more…)
March 10, 2010

Having a new camera reminds me how much I try to capture, instead of simply enjoying, experience. Photography as an art has its place, but coming around a bend in a road and witnessing a breath-stopping scene and whipping out the camera is questionable behaviour. (more…)
March 3, 2010
No-one tells the truth and that’s the truth. Whatever we aver to be so is at best an interpretation, filtered through our own limited experience and understanding. I’m not confusing the truth with facts, although the boundary between the two may be blurred.
If two cars are stationary at an intersection, both with crumpled bodies, that is a fact. People looking at this would be unlikely to disagree about it. Discovering a coherent truth about how the two cars came to be there in that way is nigh on impossible. It depends on observations and memories and both of these are subjective and subject to errors, even deliberate falsification. (more…)
February 24, 2010

Some nights ago, I was walking my dog through the local streets. As I usually do on such outings, I was musing on life, the universe and everything. I looked up at the part of that universe I could see and immediately saw a very bright star where a bright star ought not to be.
As I stared at it to identify its position amongst the stars I know, it moved. In fact, it was moving steadily. Must be a plane, I thought, with its landing lights on. But no, it wasn’t because, as it moved overhead, the brightness didn’t change and there were no flashing navigation lights to go with it. It was obviously a satellite, but a brighter one than I had ever seen. It was Iridium 66. (more…)
February 17, 2010

The Australian language is changing before our ears. Nouns and verbs are being increasingly substitution for each other and the subjunctive seems to have gone out the door. If only it weren’t so.
We now frequently hear people on ‘proper’ radio (the ABC) say that there is “a divide” between A and B. Recently, on the same radio station, a politician said: “We will division the proceeds fairly.” (more…)