August 31, 2011
When you were born, it is very likely that your parents expected that you would live a long, healthy, happy and productive life. But unlike with the purchase of, say, a car, there was no guarantee. Yet, many of us seem to live our lives as if this were not so – we think and often act as if someone else is responsible for our lives not turning out as expected.
August 24, 2011
As I have said earlier, what we believe dictates how we live our lives. If you have a set of beliefs about someone or about a group of people, your relationships with them is based on those beliefs.
In history classes at school and through reading books, I learned that Australian Aborigines were nomadic hunter-gatherers; agriculture was unknown in this country until the white settlers arrived in 1788 and, apart from temporary ‘humpies’, the Aborigines did not construct homes.
August 17, 2011
What are the consequences of patients being fed information about their health by the media, and then consulting doctors who do not have the time to keep up with important developments in medicine? This question and the answers to it are complicated by the quality of the information which each relies on.
August 10, 2011
What we are led to believe can have long-term consequences. In the lead-up to the 2001 Australian Federal election, we were told that refugees on a boat had thrown their children overboard, in order to force the Government to take them in. This turned out to be false; but that information was withheld until after the election.
August 3, 2011
Who shapes your beliefs?
Do you follow your parents’ beliefs or are your beliefs a protest against theirs?
Are your beliefs heartfelt or based on external evidence?
Do you use your beliefs as a tool or as a weapon?
How sure are you of what you believe? Are you open to change? Are you committed to convincing others that your beliefs are correct?
Have you ever asked yourself any of these questions?
Are you comfortable having a belief no-one else shares?
July 27, 2011
Who are you?
You were brought up by your parents or one of them, or by someone else. These people moulded your behaviour, your responses, your likes and dislikes, your prejudices. You probably had teachers for years. To what extent did their attitudes influence you?
July 20, 2011
Is it possible that you see the world the way you want it to be? What about aspects of the world about which you can have no direct perception; things such as the atoms and molecules you are made of?
You only know of this level of reality because other people tell you it exists. You have no direct experience of it. You can learn through studying or reading or listening to people, that there are processes going on in your body that change the food you eat into a different form through the breaking up and reorganising of molecules. Whether you know it or not, such things on and are the basis for life.
July 13, 2011
Who do you think you are?
Who is the you able to contemplate and respond to these questions? Is it separate from your mind? Does it dwell in your mind? If your mind is you, how do you relate to your feelings and emotions?
July 6, 2011

Who do you think you are?
Descartes is often quoted for his famous “I think, therefore I am”. Is it the thinking that creates me? Is the fact that I think, proof of my existence? Interesting questions.
June 29, 2011
Did you manage to solve the puzzle in the last post? Did you have to change your thinking to solve it? If you did not manage to solve it and you now look at the solution presented above, can you discover something in your thinking that stopped you? Did you find an entirely different solution?