July 3, 2011
The Book of Lies
Mary Horlock
Text Publishing 2011
ISBN: 9781921758102
288 pp
Mary Horlock twists her yarns expertly into the strands that form the lay of rope that winds its way through a difficult, interconnected past and present on the Island of Guernsey. She tackles aspects of the Nazi occupation in the Second World War and the struggles of a teenage girl more than forty years later. Horlock uses her extensive and intimate knowledge of the island and its people, along with an understanding of teenage angst and imagination, to give us an inspired tale of family frictions, loyalties, courage, deception and betrayal, loss, love and loneliness.
June 29, 2011
Did you manage to solve the puzzle in the last post? Did you have to change your thinking to solve it? If you did not manage to solve it and you now look at the solution presented above, can you discover something in your thinking that stopped you? Did you find an entirely different solution?
June 23, 2011
Devil in the Milk
Keith Woodford
Craig Potton Publishing
2007 (updated 2010)
ISBN: 9781877333705
257 pp, including index
Most people in Australia, New Zealand, North America and Europe drink cow’s milk, some in large quantities and many from an early age. What Prof Woodford writes about in this book should therefore be of concern to hundreds of millions of people. It is a story of research, business, government and vested interests. Those whose interests seem to be least considered in the way milk is presented to us are the consumers of the milk.
June 22, 2011
Is the education we offer our young people equipping them for a fulfilling life? There is too much knowledge available to impart it all. How do those who set the curriculum choose what should be taught? The pool of knowledge is growing exponentially; however, the pool of useful questions is much more manageable.
June 15, 2011
There are some very worrying indications that most people have given up thinking. Andy Bilchbaum and Mike Bonanno, who some years ago made up ‘the Yes Men’1, gave addresses to august bodies, including the WTO (World Trade Organisation). In their presentations they made outrageous suggestions and claims, and those in the audience responded with nodding heads and even acclaim. No-one in the audience was thinking – no-one asked questions or challenged the impersonators.
June 8, 2011
In my blogging, my essays and much of my other writing I urge the reader to think.
Thinking can be scary, as can answers we come up with. What is the use of thinking, anyway? Haven’t all the important questions been asked? Haven’t most of them been answered? How can we come up with anything new or important?
June 7, 2011
The Panic Virus: Fear, Myth and the Vaccination Debate
Seth Mnookin
Black Inc 2011
ISBN: 9781863955188
448 pp, including index
When we are dealing with large issues that have a huge impact on society and the lives of the individuals in that society, it is important that we have available to us books such as The Panic Virus, to assist us in navigating our way. Vaccination is a global phenomenon with almost global support from governments and the medical professions, from academics and the World Health Organisation. It also has its many opponents and detractors. There are powerful and emotional arguments on both sides of the debate.
June 1, 2011
It is easy to imagine that we are self-sufficient in our adult lives, making our choices independently of others and believing that we don’t need anyone else for our survival. However, very few people actually are self-sufficient.
May 25, 2011
I have been reading a number of books recently, in order to write reviews (one review has already been posted1). All four of these books deal with issues of public importance in the area of health. They deal with electromagnetic radiation1, mobile phones2, vaccination3 and milk4.
May 18, 2011
I came across an artefact some months back – a book. I haven’t seen one of these, outside a museum, for more than thirty years. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it at a recovery sale. It was very old – mid-twentieth century – with a hard cover. It took me back to my school days when we still learned to read. I must say I struggled somewhat to make sense of it. I have had no need to read for many years. However, persevering has paid off and I started to enjoy the experience.